Results for 'Eduino Jose Orione'

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  1.  58
    A simulação da morte: versão e aversão em Montaigne.Eduino José Orione - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (126):609-611.
    Montaigne, no "De l'art de conferer", discute critérios que permitem distinguir os homens segundo suas capacidades (suffisances). A "maneira" de discursar ocupa o centro desta questão e entre suas qualidades se destaca a "ordem", que nos é apresentada, sobretudo, a partir dos desvios da "tolice" (sottise) e "obstinação" (opiniastreté), símbolos do dogmatismo e de uma errônea lide com os saberes que se apoiam na memória. Procura-se mostrar que a ordem se funda na assimilação e penetração do julgamento nas matérias que (...)
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    A meditatio mortis montaigniana.Eduino Jose Orione - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (126):463-481.
    Este artigo investiga o ensaio "Que philosopher c'est apprendre a mourir", de Michel de Montaigne. Trata-se de um texto que é um bom exemplo da forma como o filósofo rejeita a tradição metafísica na qual o problema da morte sempre foi pensado. Mostramos que a originalidade deste ensaio reside no fato de Montaigne nos aconselhar a seguir a natureza, que, em seu pensamento, se confunde com o costume. This paper investigates the essay "Que philosopher c'est apprendre a mourir", by Michel (...)
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    Mathematical Knowledge and the Interplay of Practices.José Ferreirós - 2015 - Princeton, USA: Princeton University Press.
    On knowledge and practices: a manifesto -- The web of practices -- Agents and frameworks -- Complementarity in mathematics -- Ancient Greek mathematics: a role for diagrams -- Advanced math: the hypothetical conception -- Arithmetic certainty -- Mathematics developed: the case of the reals -- Objectivity in mathematical knowledge -- The problem of conceptual understanding.
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    Aesthetics of resistance: reimagining critical philosophy with María del Rosario Acosta López’s grammars of listening.José Medina - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:155-165.
    This paper analyzes the innovative way of doing critical philosophy that María del Rosario Acosta López proposes in her aesthetics of resistance and grammars of the unheard. The paper examines the contributions of two sets of conversations with Acosta López’s critical philosophy. In the first place, staging a dialogue between Acosta López and Black feminist philosophy, the article offers a defence of reconceptualizing philosophy in the 21st Century through a dialogue with the voices and perspectives of the excluded and silenced—a (...)
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    On a Definition of a Variety of Monadic ℓ-Groups.José Luis Castiglioni, Renato A. Lewin & Marta Sagastume - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (1):67-92.
    In this paper we expand previous results obtained in [2] about the study of categorical equivalence between the category IRL 0 of integral residuated lattices with bottom, which generalize MV-algebras and a category whose objects are called c-differential residuated lattices. The equivalence is given by a functor ${{\mathsf{K}^\bullet}}$ , motivated by an old construction due to J. Kalman, which was studied by Cignoli in [3] in the context of Heyting and Nelson algebras. These results are then specialized to the case (...)
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    Bridging the Gaps: Science Fiction in Nanotechnology.José López - 2004 - Hyle 10 (2):129 - 152.
    This paper argues that narrative elements from the science fiction (SF) literary genre are used in the discourse of Nanoscience and Technology (NST) to bridge the gap between what is technically possible today and its inflated promises for the future. The argument is illustrated through a detailed discussion of two NST texts. The paper concludes by arguing that the use of SF narrative techniques poses serious problems to the development of a critical analysis of the ethical and social implications of (...)
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    Pascha = Passio en el "Tractatus IX" de Gregorio de Elvira. Rasgos de una Cristología pascual en la Iglesia bética del siglo IV.José Miguel Núñez Moreno - 2024 - Isidorianum 3 (6):7-31.
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    Complex demonstratives, singular thought, and belief attributions.José Manuel Viejo - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-27.
    Jeffrey King has famously argued that there are several prima facie problems with the direct reference theory of the semantics of complex demonstratives, three of which apparently resist solution. King concludes by observing that, if these outstanding problems cannot be solved, then the prospects for a direct reference semantics for complex demonstratives will be poor. I shall focus on just one of these outstanding problems—the objection from belief attributions—and suggest that it, at least, can be answered.
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    Arguing for eliminativism.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2005 - In Brian L. Keeley (ed.), Paul Churchland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This paper considers how best an eliminativist might argue for the radical falsity of commonsense psychology. I will be arguing that Paul Churchland’s “official” arguments for eliminative materialism (in, e.g., Churchland 1981) are unsatisfactory, although much of the paper will be developing themes that are clearly present in Churchland’s writings. The eliminativist needs to argue that the representations that feed into action are fundamentally different from those invoked by propositional attitude psychology. The “springs of action” are representations of features that (...)
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    Pensamiento de lengua española.José Gaos - 1945 - México,: Editorial Stylo.
    Essays on Spanish-American philosophy, particularly Mexican. Part 2 includes selections from the works of José Vasconcelos, Antonio Caso, Samuel Ramos, Adolfo Menéndez Samara, Oswaldo Robes, Alfonso Reyes, Justino Fernández, Edmundo O'Gorman, J.D. García Bacca, Eduardo Nicol, José Medina Echevarría and Juan Larrea.
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  11.  28
    Religious Certainty: Peculiarities and Pedagogical Considerations.José María Ariso - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (6):657-669.
    This paper presents the concept of ‘religious certainty’ I have developed by drawing inspiration from Wittgenstein’s notion of ‘certainty’. After describing the particular traits of religious certainty, this paper addresses two difficulties derived from this concept. On the one hand, it explains why religious certainty functions as such even though all its consequences are far from being absolutely clear; on the other hand, it clarifies why, unlike the rest of certainties, the loss of religious certainty does not result in the (...)
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  12.  13
    Nota sobre linguagem e realidade, práticas e coisas.José Crisóstomo de Souza - 2019 - Cognitio 20 (1):137-149.
    O texto trata de entender a relação entre linguagem e realidade a partir de uma ótica particular, a que chamo de prático-poiética, a do nosso emaranhamento prático-material, social, produtivo, com o mundo, com práticas e com artefatos. Foca principalmente na crítica do que se pode chamar de uma posição wittgensteiniana a respeito do assunto. Mas também registra, brevemente, algo de uma posição peirciana, centrada na noção de mediação, e de uma posição antiessencialista sobre a mente, voltada para a linguagem ordinária. (...)
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  13.  11
    Caminhos do pensamento: estudos em homenagem ao professor José Enes.José Luís Brandão da Luz (ed.) - 2006 - Açores: Universidade dos Açores.
  14.  46
    ¿Qué es una ‘religión’? Tres teorías recientes.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2016 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 21:31-49.
    In this work three recent proposal of analysis of the concept of ‘religion’ are discussed. There is a strong convergence between these three proposals in several points: all of them maintain that a religion should be the belief of something –a set of propositions, the object of a propositional attitude like a belief–, all of them maintain that the object of the belief should be a theory about the good, and all of them maintain that a religion should have important (...)
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    Subjectivity and certainty in epistemic modality: A study of Dutch epistemic modifiers.José Sanders & Wilbert Spooren - 1996 - Cognitive Linguistics 7 (3):241-264.
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  16.  11
    Global modernity, development, and contemporary civilization: towards a renewal of critical theory.José Maurício Domingues - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This book investigates modern global civilization, offering an alternative to post-colonial theories and the "multiple modernities" approach (as well as the civilizational theory linked to it). It argues that modernity has become a global civilization that is heterogeneous and intertwined with other civilizations, and also aims at a renewal of critical theory that is not US-centric and Eurocentric, focusing instead on China, South Asia (India) and Latin America (Brazil). Dealing with the themes of centre-periphery relations, complexity (including culture and religion), (...)
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  17.  9
    ¡Qué haríamos sin ética!: reflexiones críticas.José Ma Aguirre - 2021 - Barcelona: Anthropos. Edited by José Ma Aguirre.
    Filosofía, praxis y emancipación -- Ética y alteridad -- Una ética con fundamento -- Por una ética emancipadora -- Ética y justicia -- Ética y pluralismo moral -- Ética y economía.
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    Antes del aura: el fundamento de la pintura según Walter Benjamin.José María de Luelmo Jareño - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 61:195-225.
    While in his late works Walter Benjamin seems to employ painting in an accessory way —either as an auratic counterfigure, or as a propitiatory victim of the technical image—, the allusions to the medium that guide his trajectory show its importance in the whole of his aesthetic reflection and even in the development of his theory of language. Especially relevant to understanding the general features of his idea of painting is the unpublished youth essay “On Painting, or Sign and Mark”, (...)
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  19.  13
    Crisis de la modernidad. El escenario del siglo XX.José Lasaga - 2010 - Arbor 186 (742):227-240.
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    St. Karol Wojtyla and st. Edith Stein on human individuality: “Pausing at the irreducible” and why think about it.Jose Adriand Emmanuel Layug - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (Special Issue).
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  21. Las paradojas de Arthur Danto.José García Leal - 2005 - Estudios Filosóficos 54 (157):441-461.
    El artículo ana liza ciertas tensiones internas en la filosofía del arte de Danto, derivadas de una tensión originaria, la que se da entre esencialismo eternizante e historicismo. Analiza después la definición del arte que ofrece Danto, interpretando que es una definición poco específica, a falta de una mayor caracterización del símbolo artístico. Concluye con la consideración de la tesis de los indiscernibles perceptivos, y el problema que plantea en relación con una de las dos condiciones esenciales del arte, la (...)
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  22.  23
    Data production by a vast machine: computers, modeling and technical systems in climate sciences.José Correa Leite - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (3):607-618.
    Muitos termos possuem um sentido técnico sem que ele seja evidente para todos, por exemplo, a "governança ambiental", termo que remete no contexto atual a uma participação cidadã nesse tipo de questão, por exemplo, da saúde de um ecossistema específico, tal como uma floresta ou um vale agrícola, a partir de preocupações partilhadas e não a partir de uma problemática de controle organizacional. Após ter tornado preciso o que é a expertise e quais são os principais problemas postos pelo recurso (...)
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  23.  36
    From the mystery of ice ages to abrupt climate change.José Correa Leite - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (4):811-839.
    RESUMO O problema da era do gelo foi o primeiro e, até algumas décadas atrás, o único debate relevante sobre as mudanças climáticas, emergindo como uma discussão da geologia, que não foi capaz de equacioná-lo. Ficou como um mistério que transitou, no século XIX, pela matemática e astronomia e foi objeto de especulações na geofísica e geoquímica sem que uma solução satisfatória fosse encontrada. A resposta básica para a ocorrência das eras do gelo foi dada por Milankovitch, com sua teoria (...)
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    Scientific controversies or denial of science? Agnotology and climate science.José Correa Leite - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (1):179-189.
  25.  6
    Historia de la filosofía española.José Luis Mora & Antonio Heredia Soriano (eds.) - 2022 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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    Legal Indeterminacy and Constitutional Interpretation.José Juan Moreso - 1998 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    In this book, I present the results of an investigation which began with an extended stay at Oxford's Balliol College during the first half of 1995. My visit to Oxford was made possible by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Educaci6n y Ciencia. My sincere thanks go to Joseph Raz who served as my supervisor in Oxford. For several points of the present study, conversations with Timothy Endicott in Oxford were also of great help. The book is part of (...)
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    Somatic Markers, Rhetoric, and Post-truth.José M. Muñoz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    SELLÉS, JUAN FERNANDO, Antropología para inconformes. Una antropología abierta al futuro. Rialp, Madrid, 2006.José Ignacio Murillo - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico 39 (3):834-836.
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    Conon, the Persian Fleet and a Second Naval Campaign in 393 BC.José Pascual - 2016 - História 65 (1):14-30.
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    REALE, GIOVANNI, Guía de lectura de la 'Metafísica' de Aristóteles, Herder, Barcelona, 1999, 250 págs.José María Santana - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (3):933-934.
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    Eine hegelianische Annäherung an die Krise des demokratischen Rechtsstaats.José J. Jiménez Sánchez - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (3):356-366.
    This paper does resemble a philosophical-juridical perspective that reflects on the possibility to reconstruct the constitutional democracy through a Hegelian focus. Its aim is to tackle the current crisis of our liberal democracy, as well as to determine its causes. These causes are not only found in a deficient praxis of its purposes, but fundamentally in an insufficient understanding of the principles of that type of democracy. At the end, this democracy, if we mind to deter its ruin, has to (...)
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    The Ruins of the Enlightened Public Sphere.José J. Jiménez Sànchez - 2006 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 92 (4):568-581.
    Particularly in his work Representative Government, J. S. Mill tries to shape the government of social order according to the rules that served as a pattern for the constitution of the literary salons and clubs of the 17 th and 18th centuries. On these rules the Enlightened legal-rational model of society was built, whose demands as well as its differences from reality are enormous. However, this model, which remained in existence, although often broken, during the 19 th and 20 th (...)
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    Confidence intervals and tests are two sides of the same research question.Jose D. Perezgonzalez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Institución y Mundo de la vida. Un análisis desde Esposito y Merleau-Ponty.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 5:93-119.
    The essay analyzes some issues in the philosophical works of Merleau-Ponty and Esposito, in particular focusing on the relationship between temporality, institution and phenomenology.
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  35. V-The Sources of Self-consciousness.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2002 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 102 (1):87-107.
    This paper explores the relation between two ways of thinking about the sources of self-consciousness. We can think about the sources of self-consciousness either in genetic terms (as the origins or precursors of self-conscious thoughts) or in epistemic terms (as the grounds of self-conscious judgements). Using Christopher Peacocke's account of self-conscious judgements in Being Known as a foil, this paper brings out some important ways in which we need to draw upon the sources of self-consciousness in the genetic sense for (...)
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  36.  55
    Choice procedure consistent with similarity relations.Jose Maria Aizpurua, Jorge Nieto & Jose Ramon Uriarte - 1990 - Theory and Decision 29 (3):235-254.
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    Antropologia filosofica: una introduzione.José Angel Lombo - 2007 - Roma: EDUSC. Edited by Francesco Russo.
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    Francisco Giner de los Ríos: pedagogía y poder.José María Marco - 2008 - Madrid: Ciudadela Libros.
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    Pequeño álbum "utilitarista".José Luis Tasset - 2010 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 17 (2):37-38.
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  40.  19
    Escatología y mesianismo en Heidegger: una interpretación desde san Pablo.José Manuel Chillón - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):753-770.
    El artículo trata de plasmar cómo la influencia de Pablo de Tarso en Heidegger puede explicar no sólo la concepción de la Zeitlichkeit como sentido del ser del ente que es el Dasein, sino el concepto de tiempo después de la Kehre. Si aquella concepción escatológica hizo del futuro el éxtasis principal de la existencia que se sabe tan abierta y proyectiva como caída y deyectada por la muerte adveniente, esta otra dimensión mesiánica insiste más en el tiempo que resta, (...)
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    Ticket Entailment plus the mingle axiom has the variable-sharing property.José M. Méndez, Gemma Robles & Francisco Salto - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (1):355-364.
    The logic TM is the result of adding the mingle axiom, M to Ticket Entailment logic, T. In the present study, it is proved that TM has the variable-sharing property . Ternary relational semantics for TM is provided. Finally, an interesting extension of TM with the vsp is briefly discussed.
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    Diccionario de Filosofía.José Ferrater Mora - 1944 - D. F. Editorial Atlante, S.A.
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    Modal Logic as a Methodological Tool in Epistemology.José Alejandro Fernández Cuesta - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):71-79.
    In this paper we intend to offer a first approach to the incorporation of certain formal tools in the elucidation of some issues discussed in epistemological contexts. The aim is not to offer an exhaustive resolution of these problems but merely to point out the usefulness of modal semantics when applied to different fields. Here we will show how a series of skeptical arguments eventually involve a modal structure, which we will try to generalise into a useful scheme.
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    An Interpretation of Łukasiewicz’s 4-Valued Modal Logic.José M. Méndez, Gemma Robles & Francisco Salto - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (1):73-87.
    A simple, bivalent semantics is defined for Łukasiewicz’s 4-valued modal logic Łm4. It is shown that according to this semantics, the essential presupposition underlying Łm4 is the following: A is a theorem iff A is true conforming to both the reductionist and possibilist theses defined as follows: rt: the value of modal formulas is equivalent to the value of their respective argument iff A is true, etc.); pt: everything is possible. This presupposition highlights and explains all oddities arising in Łm4.
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  45. Antonio Rosmini y la unidad como exigencia en los sistemas del idealismo trascendental (Fichte y Schelling).José Alberto Soto Badilla - 1977 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 40:85-98.
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  46. Realidad y posibilidades de la creación virtual: desde un planteamiento zubiriano.José Joaquín Villalón Barrios - 2007 - In César Moreno, Rafael Lorenzo & Alicia Ma de Mingo (eds.), Filosofía y realidad virtual. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
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  47. Historia de los conceptos y responsabilidad política: un ensayo de contextualización.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 1998 - Res Publica. Murcia 1:141-174.
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    " Analogía del ser" y dialéctica en la afirmación humana de Dios.José Gómez Caffarena - 1960 - Pensamiento 16 (62):143-174.
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    Jaspers, Karl. La fe filosófica. Buenos aires, Losada, 2003. 175 P. isbn: 9789500392181.José Mauricio de Carvalho, Thais Caroline Reis de Ávila & Edna Rogéria Durães Queiroz - 2017 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 8 (15):77-83.
    A editora Losada publicou uma série de conferências de Karl Jaspers pronunciadas na Universidad de laBasilea a convite da Fundação Acadêmica livre e da Faculdade de História da Filosofia daquela Instituição. Esse conjunto de conferências importantes para entender como o filósofo pensava o significado da Filosofia foi reunido em livro com o título de La fe filosófica. O livro integra a coleção da editora argentina denominada Obras Maestras delPensamiento e ainda não teve edição em português. Portanto, La fe filosófica não (...)
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  50. Nada existe donde faltan las palabras: la quidditas retórica de Vico y la metafísica de la evidencia.José Antonio Marín Casanova - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:75-100.
    I) La metafísica de la evidencia, cuya más conspicua expresión es la mathesis universalis cartesiana, busca lo apremiante y necesario, el fundamento o fondo de las cosas, el cual se entiende independiente de la forma y alcanzable por un pensamiento sin supuestos: la retórica es la prescindible qualitas de la filosofía. II) La de Vico, por contra, puede considerarse como una retorsión de esa postura filosófica: al contribuir a desvelar sus supuestos ocultos, los niega. III) La tropología viquiana, al proponer (...)
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